Facts and Questions
"We wanted to call but didn't think we could afford you?"
This is a misconception we try to combat being a custom home builder. With all custom builds, you as the Home Owner, control the price!
90% of the budget proposal is in your control. The other 10% is our integrity and quality that we stand behind as a premiere custom homes builder. This includes rough carpentry, finish carpentry, lumber, plumbing labor, and other quality standard Mertins Homes inclusions. We don't want to sacrifice quality of our Homes. Most homes are built on lots or sites that dictate some of the costs as well, such as excavation, wells and septic, etc.
How long is a typical Build?
Again, this is dictated by the site in which you choose to build your dream home on as well as the home size intended. Typically a 2000-3000 square foot home has a build time of about 7 months from start to finish. 3000-4000 sq.ft. homes about 9 months, 5-8k sq.ft. homes 12-14 months, 8k+ sq.ft homes 14-16 months.
The time frames for finished builds really depend on the size, site, and the extras that a home owner would like to include along the way. We have a very precise schedule we stick to once permits and selections are approved, any additions extend the time frames.
What is the Bidding Process?
When taking a look at our Process, you can see there are several factors to take into consideration before starting a new building project. Once we have plans from an architect (whom we can refer out to any potential client) and a building site chosen, the bidding typically takes about 2-3 weeks. With constant contact with the client and work-on-site bidding. This means we work our team of contractors on-site to determine the numbers for an appropriate budget and bid (this includes nights and weekends).
Building on Accessible lots, do you have lots currently available?
We currently do not sell or own any lots. Lots remain separate and are dealt with outside of the bidding process with the Home Owner's Real Estate Agent or at the Home Owner's leisure. Most of our projects start when a Home Owner decides on a lot to build on, we can recommend different architects to use and whom we have had apart of our Team of contractors over the years.
How long does Permiting take?
Permits are included in the bid, but time frames are ultimately under the control of the municipality and townships where the lots are located. Normally it will take about 1-2 weeks to obtain a building permit, in some situations where townships require the parks and land use departments to be involved may take an additional 2 weeks.
Do we have to decide on all our finishes before the build process starts?
During the bidding process you are allowed a certain allowance for some of the ammenities decided on. These are discussed in detail with the builder before the proposal is approved. Any additions during the building process might add extra costs.
However, you do not need to decide everything right away! We want you to be apart of the build process and as a way to not overwhelm you in the beginning we like to provide a "Selection Sheet". This is a timeline of selections that itemizes the building process and breaks down when you need to make the selections by. Given we have that precise schedule for our contractors, we like to provide this option.
On the "Selection Sheet" take about 2-3 items to decide on at a time and work on finalizing those items every 2 weeks. This will optimize our time as well as avoid that overwhelming feeling or any other anxieties about the home building process.